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How to Hire an HVAC Expert

How to Hire an HVAC Expert

Some residential and commercial appliances require only general knowledge and skill to repair when they break down, making them simpler to maintain. When something such as your air conditioner or furnace breaks down, though, you shouldn’t call for a simple...
What is ‘HVAC’ and How Do They Work?

What is ‘HVAC’ and How Do They Work?

You’ve probably heard of the term HVAC at some point in your life. There is nothing wrong with not being aware of its definition and how it works. After all, it only affects you once you own a property and need to install a system for your home. Consider this article...
3 Energy Saving Tips for the Summer

3 Energy Saving Tips for the Summer

According to the United States Energy Information Administration, air conditioning accounts for roughly 12 percent of annual household energy expenditures in the U.S. Most of that energy usage—and the expenditure that comes with it—happens during the summer months....
Why Won’t My Outside AC Unit Turn On?

Why Won’t My Outside AC Unit Turn On?

Imagine that you’ve stepped out to run a few errands in the mid-July summer heat. You can’t seem to escape the heat as it feels as if it’s inside you. The sidewalk feels like it’s burning into the soles of your shoes. Your only oasis is your home with its...